
Our environmental law practice advises on the environmental regulation for all types of projects (mining, energy, sanitary, real estate, and infrastructure) at the different stages of their development.

Additionally, we have advised companies on the processing of projects in the Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA) and on obtaining environmental permits. We have performed environmental legal audits to verify the degree of compliance with regulations and permits of projects that are under construction and operation, as well as the Due Diligence for the financing or M&A stage.


The team has extensive experience in environmental administrative proceedings, liability suits for environmental damage and administrative sanctioning proceedings for non-compliance with environmental qualification resolutions.

This area also complements other legal services we provide, as is the case for the investigation of possible environmental liabilities arising from an acquisition or merger involving real estate.

Contact team
Juan Carlos Valdivieso T.

Relevant operations in

EOSOL New Energy
We advised EOSOL New Energy from the beginning to the start-up of the development of a 250MW photovoltaic project (Tocopilla), located in the north of Chile. The advice consisted of a strategic issue: identifying the layout of the project, with the objective to recognize the necessary permits to then obtain all the environmental and sectorial permits, land, easement, and mining rights, and, also, in the operation of mergers and acquisitions of the project.
We advised KGHM in obtaining legal reports on different aspects of its legal activities, such as environmental, water, mining and constitutional law. Likewise, in the environmental proceedings to obtain environmental permits for the realization of 400 exploration platforms in the north of Chile, for the development of the Carrizalillo Mining Project.
Las Cenizas, SCM Franke
We advised Las Cenizas, SCM Franke in obtaining environmental permits for the operational continuity of the Franke mine. The advice included strategies to resolve complex issues and the obtainment of sectorial environmental permits to continue with the exploitation of Franke.
Advising the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Chile in the issuance of sustainable sovereign bonds
Morales & Besa acted as special local counsel to the Republic of Chile and its Ministry of Finance in connection with the issuance, global offering and placement of the world's first sovereign bonds linked to sustainability in the amount of US$ 2,000,000,000 with maturity in 2042 and an interest rate of 4.346%.